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While your Neighbour without a Solar System Pays for Ever Increasing Electrical Costs, you will be Generating your Own Energy on your Own Terms.

Industry Analysts Predict that the Hydro Bills in Ontario will Double in the Next 5 Years.

Residential / Home Business

Through The Greener Homes Program, the Government provides a $5000 Grant and up to $40,000, 10 Year Interest-Free Loan.

For a Home Based Business, you get a 30% Investment Tax Credit, Accelerated Depreciation and Reduce your Hydro Bill to nearly Zero.


The Greener Homes Program for Businesses has massive incentives:

  1. 30% Investment Tax Credit

  2. Accelerated Depreciation

  3. $40,000 Solar System for less than $13,000.

  4. Reduce Hydro Bill to nearly Zero.